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Python Environments

Python has a nice progressive learning curve. It can be used in many ways, for many things. From quickly opening a dataset, and visualising it to writing heavy processing algorithms to running web-applications. Python could be your weapon of choice.

A downside about Python is managing dependencies and conflicts between package versions. As libraries/packages mature, they tend to deprecate some features or mutate them. Making compatibility across package versions tricky. The best way to resolve this is to use a virtual environment. A virtual environment neatly bundles all the packages for your project with its compatible dependencies.

So, here is my cheatsheet for managing Python environments. Most of the time I forget some of these commands and I need to scavenge the web for a particular command. So, I decided to put together a knowledge base here for my own reference.


These commands were tested on a mac.


Let's start with venv. It comes pre installed in Python (3.5+). To create a virtual environment folder with name ENV_NAME inside your project folder, use the following command:

python -m venv ./ENV_NAME

I prefer installing all my virtual environments into a folder (example venv) at the root of my system inside a folder with the name of the project.

python -m venv ~/venv/PROJECT_NAME

To activate the environment, you need to source it by running the command:

source ./ENV_NAME/bin/activate

And, I always run this afterwards, since most of my projects depend on them.

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install wheel

The other problem of managing environments is also managing different versions of Python. And I find the best way to solve this along with virtual environments is to use pyenv.


pyenv manages the installation of different versions of Python and also the different virtual environments.

On a mac, installation of pyenv is done using brew:

brew install pyenv
brew install pyenv-virtualenv

After the installation, you will be instructed to add the following to the ~/.bashrc if you are using bash for your terminal or add it to ~/.zshrc if you are using zsh for your terminal (zsh is the new standard for macOS).

# add to ~/.zshrc
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"

Installing a version of Python to your system is done by


To list all the available versions of Python that can be installed, run this command

pyenv install --list

To create a virtual environment, you can sue the command

# creating a virtual environment

To activate or deactivate a virtual environment you can use

# activate or deactivate a virtual environment
pyenv activate ENVIRONMENT_NAME
pyenv deactivate

To list all the virtual environments and the Python versions installed in pyenv you'd use

# lists all virtual environments and Python versions
pyenv versions

# list all pyenv virtual environments
pyenv virtualenvs

Coming to the best part of pyenv is the ability to set the local and global Python version, this can be set so that opening a terminal in a folder will automatically activate the virtual environment.

# setting for global

# setting for local, for a folder/project

To delete a virtual environment, you'd use this

# delete a virtual environment
pyenv virtualenv-delete ENVIRONMENT_NAME

# this also work
pyenv uninstall ENVIRONMENT_NAME

and more...

There are several other Python project management tools. One that interests me is Poetry. It helps with all of the above, and helps with managing multiple environments (dev, test, prod) for a particular project along with the ability to build and publish a package.

ak © mmxxii